Saturday, March 2, 2013

Catholic and Pro-Abortion?

In New York state, the rate of abortion is twice the national average and in parts of New York city, as many as 60% of pregnancies end in abortion. A woman can get an abortion at any stage of the pregnancy, even late term, as long as her "life is at risk". Governor Andrew Cuomo, however thinks that there aren't enough abortions and so he is pushing to change state law to make them even easier to get. He now wants to allow abortions when the woman's "health" is at risk. This all according to Dr. Anne Nolte, a family physician, who knows a thing or two about women's health. She is leading a protest against Gov. Cuomo's plans. She says that a pregnant woman's "health" in this sense, doesn't only mean her physical health, but her mental health as well. So essentially unrestricted access to abortion will be allowed as long as a woman can get a doctor to certify that she is experiencing anxiety.
Dr. Nolte explains the real effects of abortion on women

Gov. Cuomo, supposedly a practicing Catholic, is supporting a grave evil, is in danger of losing his soul, and is taking millions of Catholic with him, by his bad example. The fact that public figures like him support the murder of innocent babies and then masquerade as decent "Catholics" causes scandal to others. Other Catholics see that one can support abortion, and still remain a Catholic in good standing, because the Bishops are not excommunicating them or even speaking out much against it. People that say that politicians should not impose their morality on others are wrong. What's good for Catholics is also good for others. Simple research shows that people from all faiths, doctors and even atheists see that abortion is wrong.

This is not the case in other countries. Catholic politicians in Latin America are held to account for their actions by their Bishops.

Holy Father Benedict XVI, now Pope Emeritus, travelled to Latin America back in 2007 while many of these predominantly Catholic countries were considering legalizing abortion. Then-Pope Benedict said that Catholic politicians who support or vote for intrinsic evils such as abortion incur automatic excommunication on themselves (in accordance with Canon Law) and therefore cannot not receive Holy Communion.
Pope Benedict tells pro-abortion Catholic politicians they are excommunicated

A Bishop in Uruguay stated in October of 2012 that all of the Catholic politicians in his country who voted to legalize abortion incurred automatic excommunication on themselves.
Bishop in Uruguay excommunicates pro-abortion Catholic politicians

The purpose of excommunication is not to seek vengeance on those who we disagree with politically. It is to stop the grave scandal being caused to other Catholics by public figures, thereby helping them save their souls. It is also meant to be a wake up call to the individual politician for him to repent and save his own immortal soul. Let's ask our Bishops to set a good example and hold people within the Church accountable so that we all will live our lives in accordance with Christ's laws and be happy with Him forever in Heaven someday.

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