Sunday, March 10, 2013

Clearing Up the Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality

Sex was designed by God for the continuation of the human race. It's first purpose is procreation and it's second purpose is to foster unity between a husband and wife. The Catholic Church is very clear that any sexual act which deliberately blocks procreation becomes totally about selfish pleasure and is immoral. This means condoms, masturbation, homosexual sex, ect. 

Gay sex does not result in procreation. It is solely about pleasure, and is invalid. Homosexual couples sometimes claim a right to have a child but since this is impossible, they often seek to adopt children born from from some other heterosexual relationship. Homosexuals who adopt children may be harming these children in the long term. Sure, children are sometimes harmed in heterosexual households but that doesn't mean we should seek these situations out. 

University of Texas sociology professor Mark Regnerus conducted a study which found that children who lived with same sex parents face social and emotional problems more often than children who lived with both a mother and father. 

Recent CDC statistics reinforce the already well known fact that men who have sex with other men are at a dramatically higher risk of contracting HIV/AIDS. This may be due to the inherent risk of man-on-man sex, but also to the fact that fidelity is much less common among gays. The 1978 research done by Alan P. Bell and Martin S. Weinberg showed that homosexuals are much more promiscuous than heterosexuals.

There is a lot of other research showing the harmful effects of homosexuality on individuals, including higher instances of drug use and psychological problems. 

People who claim that the Catholic Church hates gays are misinformed or being dishonest. The Church is very clear in it's Catechism that homosexual actions are disordered and never acceptable, however, people with homosexual tendencies are to be treated with respect and dignity. The Church wants them to be free from the negative consequences that homosexual behavior brings about. They are called to live as Christians in chastity. The Church approved a ministry to help homosexuals in their struggle. The Catholic Church is the world's largest private provider of care to HIV/AIDS victims. Even the Gay Alliance knows this, as they encourage homosexuals afflicted with HIV/AIDS to seek out Catholic Charities on their website.

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